
A way to save on flights

You’ve shopped around and bought your flight at the lowest fare you could find. But would waiting have yielded a better deal?

If this worries you, consider

Open an account with Yapta -- free -- and enter your upcoming flights. If any of the fares drop, Yapta will send you an e-mail with detailed instructions on how to get a refund for the price difference or a credit for a future flight.

(Note that this works only if you bought your ticket directly from the airline -- purchases via sites such as Orbitz and Expedia are not eligible -- and that some airlines charge a fee to give a refund or credit.)


Yapta also will track flights you’re considering -- before buying -- and will e-mail you if the price drops.

Yapta debuted in May 2007 as a tool you had to download to your computer. But a recent upgrade made all its features available on its website. It also added a flight search tool and the ability to store all your frequent flier account information in one place.

Though Yapta tracks prices on most major airlines, Southwest is not included.


-- Scott J. Wilson
