
Did Jesse Jackson goof or gain?

Re “Jackson says he’s sorry for Obama remark,” July 10

What a stroke of political brilliance! The Rev. Jesse Jackson is way too savvy to believe that what he was saying wouldn’t be overheard. Think of how beautifully this all works for Obama.

Jackson is a polarizing figure. He makes this politically and racially charged statement, and Obama promptly takes the high road. White moderate swing voters -- the ones who will make or break this election for Obama -- are impressed by his high-mindedness; Obama now has a ready-made excuse for having nothing to do with Jackson in the remaining months before the general election.

This move also short-circuits any potentially costly summer/fall showdown between a moderate, black presidential candidate and the far-left leader of the Rainbow Coalition -- which would put Obama between a rock and a hard place because both white swing voters and African American turnout are crucial to his election.


What’s in it for Jackson? Stay tuned for what plum assignments may come his way in Obama’s second term.

David J. Lawrence

Santa Barbara


Jackson uses the “I didn’t know the mike was open” excuse.

As a man of God, surely he must know that God is always listening.

Lola Moline

Los Angeles
