
No time to joke

Re “The jokes are on Obama,” and “We deserve better than this,” Opinion, July 18

On the same page that Joel Stein offers lame suggestions for Obama jokes, Ronald Brownstein asks for more substantive coverage of the 2008 presidential race.

I submit that people find few things to laugh about these days, with the Bush administration providing all the absurdity we can stomach and Congress criminally unresponsive to the needs of the people.

Would I like to laugh? You bet. Do I want to be entertained? Sure. But not while Rome burns and Nero, the smirking dissembler, fiddles, a chorus of sycophants swaying behind him.


Luan Gaines

Dana Point

Apparently, normally level-headed Brownstein has forgotten what happened to former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. He attempted to take the high road and ignore the Swift Boaters’ lies. His late response made him look weak, ineffective or both. The rest, unfortunately, was history.

Sad to say, it’s proved prudent to respond swiftly to any and all criticisms, slights or jokes. I wouldn’t expect or want anything less from Obama. The outcome is too important.

Spike Turner

