
Scenes From a Marriage

I found Charles Koppleman’s story on Vanessa Beecroft (“A Work in Progress,” May 4) very well-written. So well-written that if Beecroft read it as an outsider does, she would find the secret to herself: She is a selfish, spoiled, self-absorbed brat who has refused to grow up.

Trying to adopt twins from another culture without consulting her husband is a move designed to wreck a marriage. Her lack of concern for her husband’s opinion shows her to be cold and indifferent. She is not a “work in progress.” She needs to go back into the womb and be reborn and this time give her husband the place in her life he deserves.

She should not consider adopting until she learns what it means to be a mother. A mother is someone who is there for her children and not trotting around the globe.


Lori Graham

Los Angeles
