
True to their school

Re “Building a name for Dominguez Hills campus,” June 17

The Times does well to discuss the positive effects that President Mildred Garcia is having on Cal State Dominguez Hills, but I would like to add a couple of points.

First, although Dominguez Hills admits many freshmen who need remedial work in English and mathematics, it should be commended for it. Many of these students emerge well-educated and ready to contribute to the workforce. Dominguez Hills has a high community college transfer rate and a healthy number of master’s and credentialed students.

Second, we have been fortunate to replace retiring faculty with a talented pool of young faculty. They have succeeded in bringing extramural funding to campus, which ultimately benefits students.


Charles F. Hohm


The writer is dean of the College of Natural and Behavioral Sciences at Cal State Dominguez Hills.


What a shock it was for me to find out that Dominguez Hills is known as a “remediation campus.”

Really? I didn’t realize that I spent all those years earning my bachelor’s, teaching credential and master’s at a remedial school. I thought I was getting a first-class education at a small, ethnically diverse university.


I enjoyed not spending hours trying to find parking. I also appreciated that professors knew my name and cared about me. They prepared me to take on the challenges of being an inner-city elementary school teacher and principal.

I’m proud to be a graduate of Dominguez Hills. I enjoyed every moment I spent there. Much luck to Garcia as she and the faculty and staff work to change the university’s image. It’s a great school.

Ed Garcia

Long Beach
