
Literary Connery

CAROLYN KELLOGG’S item “From Indie Film to Indy’s Dad,” [June 22] recounting Sean Connery’s “literary” bent, was interesting, but it failed to mention the one film I know of in which he actually portrayed a writer -- “Finding Forrester.”

“Forrester” never found much of an audience. It’s about a black high school basketball star living in the Bronx who also has a gift for writing and loves to read. Connery plays Forrester, an award-winning novelist turned recluse who decides to mentor the boy. They find an uncommon bond in a place one doesn’t normally think of in association with Connery: an urban ghetto.

It wasn’t great, but “Forrester” was more worthy of mention than that execrable mess, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”


Thomas Boyd

