
Ex-rival in N.M. promotes Obama

From the Associated Press

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a former U.S. Energy secretary from a swing state in the presidential race, promoted Barack Obama’s energy and economic policies Saturday in a national radio address that Obama’s campaign chose Richardson to deliver.

“Sen. Obama will push for a second stimulus package that will send out another round of rebate checks to the American people,” Richardson said in the Democrats’ weekly radio speech. “He’ll tax the record profits of oil companies and use the money to help struggling families pay their energy bills.”

It was the first time the Obama campaign had selected who would make the radio address since the Illinois senator clinched the presidential nomination this month. Richardson, who dropped out of the presidential race in January and endorsed Obama two months later, is among several governors frequently mentioned in political circles as a possible running mate for Obama.


The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate rotate in deciding who gives the party’s address. This time it was the DNC’s turn, and the Obama campaign worked with the party in picking Richardson, according to Obama spokesman Josh Earnest.

Richardson said proposals by President Bush and Republican presidential candidate John McCain to allow offshore oil drilling would “do nothing to provide immediate relief for families struggling with the high cost of gas.”

“We’re not against responsible drilling,” said Richardson. “We believe the oil companies should drill on some of the millions of acres of land they already have but aren’t using.”
