
The governor’s unhealthy budget

Re “Gov. loses backing of healthcare groups,” June 26

I applaud Health Access California and the coalition of healthcare advocates for speaking up against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget plan.

I too am tired of broken promises and attacks on our most vulnerable communities. Instead of cutting programs that will take us back 10 years, we must preserve, build on and improve our healthcare system, one that currently provides essential services to millions of low-income children and families.

Immigrants, seniors and communities of color should not bear the burden of our state’s current financial crisis. We need to see the governor’s commitment to healthcare through adopting revenue-enhancing solutions to solve the budget deficit. What will Schwarzenegger’s legacy be: the governor who let California’s uninsured soar to 7.5 million, or the visionary who championed healthcare reform? I’m praying for the latter.


Rachel Larson

