
Weekend box-office results

Estimated sales in the U.S. and Canada:
Movie (studio)3-day gross (millions)Percentage change from last weekendTotal (millions)Days in release
1The Princess and the Frog (Disney)$25+3,244%$27.919
2The Blind Side (Warner Bros./Alcon)$15.5-23%$150.224
3Invictus (Warner Bros./Spyglass)$9.1NA$9.13
4The Twilight Saga: New Moon (Summit)$8-48%$267.424
5A Christmas Carol (Disney)$6.9-11%$124.538
6Brothers (Lionsgate/Relativity)$5-48%$17.410
72012 (Sony)$4.4-35%$155.331
8Old Dogs (Disney)$4.4-36%$4019
9Armored (Sony)$3.5-46%$11.710
10Ninja Assassin (Warner Bros./Dark Castle/Legendary)$2.7-46%$34.319

Industry totals

3-day gross Change Year-to-date grossChange
(in millions)from 2008(in billions)from 2008
Sources: Times research and Box Office

Los Angeles Times
