
Why so Blue?

There isn’t much of a choice here. Either Ned Colletti is a complete joke as a GM or Dodgers ownership is following the Donald Sterling model instead of Dr. Buss. Chances are, it’s a little of both.

How could Colletti say with a straight face that he would be comfortable with a starting lineup that includes Juan Pierre instead of Manny Ramirez? How can he look season-ticket holders in the eyes and tell them that signing either Braden Looper, Jon Garland, Dennys Reyes, Luis Ayala or Randy Wolf (a bust two years ago) is equal to losing Derek Lowe, Brad Penny, Chan Ho Park, Joe Beimel and Takashi Saito? Is he really that much of an idiot?

Geno Apicella



Why do the Dodgers continue to negotiate with Manny Ramirez as if they’re trying to buy a new car $5,000 under dealer invoice and not like the franchise player he is?


Give him a three-year, $70-million guaranteed deal or watch him kill us the next two seasons.

Larry Yells



I coughed up $80,000 for four front-row VIP baseline box seats, so the Dodgers had better place a marquee player in left field for me to high-five on his way back to the dugout at the end of each inning or the buck will stop after the 2009 season.

You would think McCourt would know that if he wants to keep the premium seats sold each year he’s going to have to spend some of our money on product.


Wallace Thomas

Woodland Hills


Randy Wolf or Braden Looper, huh Ned? What, Odalis Perez isn’t available?

Josh Clark

San Gabriel


I was disappointed to read the Dodgers and the city cannot agree on busing fans to the stadium. I would think since the Dodgers are the main beneficiary, they would be willing to fund the cost of the buses. At 500 fans a game, times $20 each, which is very conservative, the cost would be more than covered.

Oh wait, then McCourt couldn’t gouge the fans for parking, never mind.

Steve Owen

San Diego
