

The thing about old punk bands versus recent punk bands [“The Last Word on Punk Rock,” June 14] isn’t the speed or volume or snotty attitude. The songs were simply better and more catchy back then. Musicians with limited skill (punks) can only figure out so many chord progressions. The originals were better.

Nobody is going to come up with complex progressions like Pete Townsend to elevate their songs from the herd.

Posted by: Tedgrant

From the blogs


It’s funny how this cat [Nicholas Rombes] spent four years researching and writing about punk rock and how he ends up so wrong about the subject philosophically. I guess that’s kinda “punk rock” though: dedicating your life to a pursuit, fail and get paid.


Posted by: Chrisso

From the blogs


Punk is about stripping away all the corporate and government BS. As long as that BS exists, new punk bands will sprout up to reclaim rock ‘n’ roll’s roots.

Rombes spent years studying punk and says no revival is coming? I’ve got news for you -- punk does not need a revival because it never went away. There are new bands in all subgenres of punk forming and releasing material every day. Anybody who says differently is out of touch. He should get out there into the underground and see for himself.

If he can’t find it, then he must have grown up and become a square.

Posted by: Lurch

From the blogs
