
On rate hikes for health insurance

Re: David Lazarus’ consumer column “Feeling sick over sky-high rate hike,” June 14:

Blue Shield’s treatment of Ruta Miller, the woman whose premium is rising almost 54%, is not an aberration. Our Blue Shield high-deductible policy is being raised 30% for a family member in the youngest, healthiest tier.

Insurers that have demonstrated contempt for the California consumer should not be permitted to profit from any future Obama health plan.

Sandy Hack




I am getting tired of hearing about the 47 million people uninsured. Yes, our healthcare system is broken; however, so are most people’s priorities. Of the 47 million, how many have premium cable or satellite TV? Maybe it is time to teach people about personal responsibility.


Rick Dinger



I have been self-employed for more than 20 years and have an individual policy. The monthly rate is now so high -- nearly $400 -- I struggle to pay it. It’s my hope that the Obama plan will address the high rates, not just the uninsured.

I am 56 years old. Never did I think I would wish to be 65.

Denise Richman

Granada Hills
