
White House’s role in exec pay

Re: “Plans to rein in exec pay announced,” June 11:

I take exception with those who are critical about the White House “meddling too deeply in corporate affairs.”

At a time when my taxes are helping to bail out companies because of some combination of ineffective management, corruption, greed or lack of accountability, I am comforted to know that someone in the public sector is practicing good stewardship.

Only when those in the private sector can show consistent behavior and results will they regain the public’s trust and respect.


Karl Strandberg

Long Beach


It is meaningless to try to contain executive pay without taking into account such things as overpopulation, unsustainability and so-called economic growth under absurdly open-ended American free-enterprise capitalism and the right to make as much money as you can any way you can.

Perry Bezanis

San Pedro
