
There’s a good reason his heart’s really in organizing blood drives

Brian Boyle knows the importance of blood donors firsthand. And he also knows that giving blood tapers off at this time of year -- but the urgent need for blood doesn’t.

That’s why the Maryland man organizes a series of blood drives in winter every year. Six years ago, his life was saved by 36 blood transfusions. “It’s my way of showing my appreciation to the blood donors and everyone who helped me in my recovery,” Boyle says in a Baltimore Sun story. “I’m trying to use my story as a way to give back and help others.” Check out the full story here.

The truth is every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, this American Red Cross fact sheet says. Type O is the type most needed.


So if you’re still in the gift-giving spirit, schedule an appointment here at a Red Cross site in your area.
