
Five bestselling authors to see at the L.A. Times Festival of Books

Writer and editor Roxanne Gay interviews author Marlon James (not shown) concerning James' "Black Leopard, Red Wolf" at the Museum of African American Art in Los Angeles.
Writer and editor Roxanne Gay interviews author Marlon James (not shown) concerning James’ “Black Leopard, Red Wolf” at the Museum of African American Art in Los Angeles.
(Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)

The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is a great way for book-loving Angelenos to discover some authors, books and publishers that haven’t been on their radar. With hundreds of writers, artists and exhibitors, you’re bound to happen on something new to you.

But it also gives attendees the chance to hear some of their longtime favorites talk about their careers and craft. Some of the book world’s biggest names will be at the festival this year, discussing the works that have made them staples of bestseller lists.

L.A. Times Festival of Books is back! Check out the lineup for our massive literary event launching April 13 and 14 at the USC campus. »


Here are five bestselling authors scheduled to attend this year’s festival:

Chelsea Clinton: The former first daughter has spent her professional career working with her family’s humanitarian foundation, as well as writing bestselling books for young readers, including “She Persisted:13 American Women Who Changed the World.” Her most recent book, “Don’t Let Them Disappear: 12 Endangered Species Across the Globe” was released this month. She’ll appear in conversation with Times columnist Mary McNamara on Sunday, April 14, at 12:30 p.m.

Sloane Crosley: New York humorist Crosley is no stranger to bestseller lists: Her essay collections “I Was Told There’d be Cake” and “How Did You Get This Number” both flew off bookstore shelves, as did her 2015 novel, “The Clasp.” She’ll be discussing her work, including her most recent book, the essay collection “Look Alive Out There,” with Isaac Fitzgerald, the author and cohost of Buzzfeed’s morning show “AM2DM,” on Saturday, April 13, at 3 p.m.

Roxane Gay: The essayist and novelist has become one of the country’s best-known public intellectuals, thanks to bestselling books such as “Bad Feminist” and “Hunger,” her memoir that was a finalist for a National Book Critics Circle Award. Gay, who recently edited the anthology “Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture,” will appear with “Speak” author Laurie Halse Anderson in conversation with Times columnist Robin Abcarian on Saturday, April 13, at 10:30 a.m.


Walter Mosley: The California-born mystery novelist made a name for himself with his bestselling Easy Rawlins novels, featuring a private detective living in Watts. His latest book, “Down the River Unto the Sea,” features an African American ex-police officer and private investigator framed for a sexual assault. He’ll discuss the novel with Times writer Christopher Goffard on Sunday, April 14, at 11 a.m.

Stuart Woods: The famously prolific crime novelist has written more than 70 books, many featuring his characters Will Lee and Stone Barrington. He’ll be talking about his latest novel, “Wild Card,” along with authors Rachel Howzell Hall, Maria Hummel and Thomas Perry, on a panel moderated by fellow crime novelist Tod Goldberg on Saturday, April 13, at 10:30 a.m.
