
New Jersey’s [words] bookstore powered up and open

Maplewood, N.J., was one of the communities hit by Hurricane Sandy. Located about six miles west of Newark, Maplewood saw massive trees fall and lost much of its electricity. Downed power lines forced the community to cancel its Halloween parade.

However, parts of its downtown did not lose power; that’s where [words] bookstore is located. Co-owner Jonah Zimiles emailed to let us know the store is powered up and open. He wrote that the lights are on, neighbors are stopping by to charge up their phones, and readers are browsing. Some may even leave with a book.

Because reading a book -- the old-fashioned paper kind -- is one thing you can do when the power is out.



Bookstores after Sandy

A video interview with Mark Z. Danielewski

This clean freeway is brought to you by Michael Connelly


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