
Travel forecast for Thanksgiving is a rerun from last year

Thanksgiving is next week, but for Southern Californians it may feel more like Groundhog Day.

The number of Southern Californians traveling for Turkey Day will remain about the same as last year, with gasoline prices only a few cents off of the rate paid last Thanksgiving.

(If you haven’t seen it, “Groundhog Day” is a movie about a weatherman who lives the same day over and over.)


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About 3.37 million Southland residents are expected to travel over the holiday weekend, an increase of less than 1% above last year’s 3.35 million local travelers, according to the Auto Club of Southern California.

The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $3.872 per gallon, about 9 cents less than last week but 3 cents higher than the price at the same time last year, the Auto Club reported.


About 87% of SoCal vacationers--or 2.93 million--plan to travel by car this holiday, a 0.5% increase over last year. Another 341,000 plan to fly for the holiday, a decrease of nearly 2%, according to the Auto Club.

The Auto Club also forecasts that the top three Thanksgiving destinations among Southern Californians will be the same as last year: Las Vegas, San Diego and San Francisco.


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Follow Hugo Martin on Twitter at @hugomartin
