
Comic-Con: Fans insist Superman never goes out of style

Fans at the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con show their appreciation for Superman, discussing the DC Comics character’s ideals and superpowers.

The Zack Snyder-directed 2013 film “Man of Steel” reintroduced comic book staple Superman to filmgoing audiences. Yet the next time ol’ Supes graces the silver screen, he’ll be sharing the spotlight.

The 2016 film “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” will feature DC Comics regulars such as the aforementioned Dark Knight and Wonder Woman. Costumes for the latter two generated plenty of early talk at San Diego Comic-Con, which is now in full swing and concludes Sunday.

What’s more, rumors were rampant in San Diego on Thursday that there was to be another Bat-film starring Ben Affleck, who will sport the cape and cowl in “Dawn of Justice.”


Although Warner Bros. had no comment on any upcoming Batman flicks, one couldn’t help but wonder, what’s an American icon like Superman got to do to stay the center of attention?

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Never fear, the temporary Comic-Con population has plenty of love for Superman. The Times’ Brian van der Brug walked the Comic-Con floor at the San Diego Convention Center to find out why Superman’s power endures.

“He’s an inspiration,” attendee Darryl Williams said. “He’s astounding. He was the first superhero.”


As more than one conventioneer said, Superman can also fly. “The one power he has that I would love is the ability to fly anywhere,” Hector Aleman said. “To go anywhere, do anything? Kinda cool. Beat traffic.”

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