
Jay-Z reveals ‘Magna Carta’ art next to the actual Magna Carta

We’re not sure where Kanye West and Jay-Z’s duel of self-mythologizing will end up -- perhaps with a “Yeezus” sequel titled “I Am Cthulhu”? But Jay-Z has escalated matters with his newest promotional gambit.

His new album, “Magna Carta Holy Grail,” has received no shortage of notice for its Samsung-centric release strategy, where the album will arrive early to Galaxy users via a dedicated app.

But lest one think the album’s artwork is getting short shrift, Jay debuted the record cover alongside a document of comparable historic significance: a copy of the actual Magna Carta.


PHOTOS: Celebrities by The Times

If you swing by England’s Salisbury Cathedral, you can glimpse the “Magna Carta” cover art right next to one of four existing copies of the document that established western government. The exhibit will run through the end of July.

Personally, we’re impressed by the audacity of the move, but can’t help but be disappointed that he didn’t debut it next to the actual Holy Grail instead. Your move, Kanye.



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