
In-Chan Thai for spicy jackfruit and other Northern Thai specialties

Name of restaurant: In-Chan Thai Cuisine. The name for the restaurant was derived by combining the two last names of the founding partners.

Chef: Sanan Intasen, who previously worked at his sister’s popular Northern Thai restaurant, Spicy BBQ in Hollywood.

What dish represents the restaurant, and why? Northern Spicy Jackfruit. The meaty unripe fruit, a Northern Thai specialty, soaks up the flavors of ginger and coconut beautifully. The dish is served with ground pork or without.

Concept: A simple, family owned and operated strip-mall Thai restaurant offering basic noodles and curries. Northern Thai dishes are listed on a separate menu. Ask for it.

Who’s at the next table? Hungry Thai locals on lunch break.

Appropriate for...: Quick Thai lunch

Uh-oh...: Cash only! And no ATM in near sight.

Service: The chef’s son Nick works there every day and is happy to adjust the heat level of this very spicy food.

What are you drinking? Sweet lemongrass ice tea, a house specialty.

Jonathan Gold’s Scouting Report is a quick look at restaurants worth a visit. Scouts were selected by restaurant critic Jonathan Gold, who may or may not agree with a single word.
