
Live in a tiny space? Share your design problems, solutions

The miniature cabin dubbed Diogene, designed by Renzo Piano and the Renzo Piano Building Workshop, sits on the campus of furniture manufacturer Vitra in Weil am Rhein, Germany.
The miniature cabin dubbed Diogene, designed by Renzo Piano and the Renzo Piano Building Workshop, sits on the campus of furniture manufacturer Vitra in Weil am Rhein, Germany.
(Geogios Kefalas / EPA)

Calling all apartment, condo and cottage dwellers: We need you. We’re looking for the best -- or should we say the worst? -- design conundrums for the space-starved. Trying to figure out how to incorporate a home office into a living room, kitchen or bedroom? Need to maximize storage in a minimal footprint? Be our case study.

Send us a description of your problem at [email protected]. Include photos. We’ll pick some reader questions to pose to Kyle Schuneman. He’s an interior designer, stylist for brands such as CB2 and the man behind L.A. at Home’s design column and video series for renters, “The Apt. Life.”

Consider it a free consultation. We’ll share suggestions from Kyle, and if you’ve devised a small-space solution of your own, we might share that with readers, too.


Inspiration to get you started: the new cabin from Renzo Piano and the Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Dubbed Diogene, the cabin has been installed on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, Germany. The cabin is about 8 by 9.5 feet and equipped with photovoltaic cells and rainwater tank. Inside: pullout sofa, table that folds away under a window, shower and toilet.

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