
Watch tiny hamsters eat tiny Thanksgiving feast, then get help with your own

There’s a new video of hamsters eating tiny food -- this time, a Thanksgiving feast.

In Hello Denizen’s latest YouTube offering, seen above, a man wearing a stereotypical pilgrim outfit meticulously prepares the meal. He’s Farley Elliott, a Los Angeles writer and comedian; you may remember him from the channel’s first tiny hamster video, in which he makes tiny burritos.

This time, he bastes a miniature replica of a turkey with an eyedropper and, later, carves it with a scalpel. He unmolds a cylinder of cranberry sauce from a thimble. He rolls out a tiny pie crust with a little wooden dowel. He dishes up minuscule portions of stuffing using dental tools. He plates the food on poker chips.

He serves it to two tiny hamsters, a tiny rat and a comparatively enormous rabbit, all wearing tiny pilgrim hats.


And he waits, the picture of hopeful anxiety, for them to stuff their tiny faces.

The whole thing is adorable, of course, but the tension that felt hilariously overblown in the previous tiny hamster videos — the burrito one, plus a hedgehog’s birthday party and a hot dog eating contest against Takeru Kobayashi — seems disturbingly apropos in the context of Thanksgiving dinner.

Maybe the man’s trouble was that he tried to make too much of the food the day of the meal. Don’t let that happen to you: If you’re cooking a Thanksgiving feast for humans, check out L.A. Times Test Kitchen director Noelle Carter’s Thanksgiving game plan that makes preparing for the holiday much more manageable.

If you’re still deciding what to eat on Turkey Day, take a look at menus designed by The Times’ Food staff. (Hint: It doesn’t even have to be turkey.) For even more inspiration, delve into The Times’ recipes database.


Or, hey, skip the hassle and eat out. Here’s a list of L.A. restaurants serving Thanksgiving dinner.

As long as there’s pie, I’m happy. Follow me on Twitter @raablauren.
