
Do you need a cherry pitter? Yes, yes you do.

I hate cluttering my kitchen with specialty tools, but I’ll make space for OXO’s cherry pitter. It’s exactly what you need to make Ben’s delicious Cherry Almond Upside-Down Cake and any cherry pie. Sure, you can pit by hand as Ben does, but I don’t want crimson under my nails. Or you can try the trick of using a straw to poke out the pit. I’ve done it in an effort to not spend $15 on a cherry pitter and ended up staining a $20 shirt with cherry juice.

I’ve tested other pitters, but OXO’s is the best. The mechanism shoots out the whole pit with a satisfying bit of violence, like a heavy-duty stapler. It works fast and, best of all, has a splatter guard that keeps your kitchen and clothes spotless. Mine is over a decade old and makes pitting pounds of cherries every summer so enjoyable.
