
Nanotech: Yay or nay?

Supporters of nanotechnology predict life-saving research and abundant everyday conveniences; skeptics cite environmental and ethical implications. So who’s right? What exactly is nanotechnology anyway, and how prevalent will it be? All week, NanoBusiness Vice President Aatish Salvi debates the Center for Technology Assessment’s George Kimbrell.

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    What are the ethical issues surrounding nanotechnology? Aatish Salvi and George A. Kimbrell conclude their debate.

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    How should nanotechnology research and application be regulated, and what agency (if any) should do the regulating? George A. Kimbrell and Aatish Salvi continue their debate.

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    What can nanotechnology do right now? What might it do in the future? George A. Kimbrell and Aatish Salvi continue their debate.

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    What problems are arising or could arise as a result of nanotechnology? What are the environmental concerns? George A. Kimbrell and Aatish Salvi continue their debate.

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    What is nanotechnology, and what does it encompass? All week, Aatish Salvi and George Kimbrell debate the promises, ethical concerns and applications of nanotechnology.
