
Reader photo: Wetsuits and bougainvillea

Any good wetsuit owner knows that if you want to keep up the life of your suit, you must throughly rinse after use and hang dry. While photos of drying wetsuits aren’t necessarily what one might consider a work of art, there’s something about this photo from Stef McDonald that sweetly evokes Southern California and beach culture, without showing much of either.

“As a New York native, I’m still thrilled by the fact that the winters are sunny and warm and you can surf and wear flip-flops in February,” wrote McDonald of her photo in an email. “I took this with my iPhone one afternoon when I noticed the light coming through the bougainvillea.”

Each week, we’re featuring photos of Southern California submitted by readers. Share your photos on our Flickr page or reader submission gallery. Follow us on Twitter or visit for more on this photo series.
