
Reader Photo: The perfect Southern California day

Last month, Rainbeau Tharp and her friend sought out to have a “SoCal day.”

They started at the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, then they headed over to the Hart and the Hunter for brunch in Los Angeles, and ended the day with a jaunt to the Antelope Valley to see the poppy fields, where she snapped this photo with her iPhone 5S.

Tharp has visited the poppy fields in the area before, but said she had never seen the orange flowers in such full bloom. “It was a perfect day,” Tharp said.

Each week, we’re featuring photos of Southern California submitted by readers. Share your photos on our Flickr page or reader submission gallery. You may also hashtag your photos “#socalmoments” on Instagram. Follow us on Twitter or visit for more on this photo series.
