
Jerry Brown, Al Gore to attend Lake Tahoe summit next week

At the first Lake Tahoe summit in 1997, President Clinton raises clinched fists in celebration after signing an executive order on the preservation of the lake in a ceremony at Incline Village, Nev. From left in the front row are Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California, and former Sen. Richard Bryan and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Vice President Al Gore applauds at Clinton's side. Gore and Feinstein will join Gov. Jerry Brown at the 17th annual Lake Tahoe summit on Monday.
At the first Lake Tahoe summit in 1997, President Clinton raises clinched fists in celebration after signing an executive order on the preservation of the lake in a ceremony at Incline Village, Nev. From left in the front row are Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California, and former Sen. Richard Bryan and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Vice President Al Gore applauds at Clinton’s side. Gore and Feinstein will join Gov. Jerry Brown at the 17th annual Lake Tahoe summit on Monday.
(Ruth Fremson / Associated Press)

SACRAMENTO -- Gov. Jerry Brown will join former Vice President Al Gore and U.S. senators from California and Nevada at the annual Lake Tahoe summit next week.

The gathering on the shores of the lake that spans the border of the two states “will examine restoration and sustainability efforts at Lake Tahoe,” according to a release from the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Feinstein will speak at the conference.

Feinstein is backing legislation to provide federal funding and permission for a number of projects aimed at protecting the lake’s famous clarity and protect threatened species in the area.


Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) are also scheduled to attend.

It will be the first scheduled public appearance for Brown since before he left for a two-week vacation in Europe last month.


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