Vanessa Wessels, 40, ALS patient, is pictured at her room in The Neurological Disorder Center in Beijing West Hill Hospital, China. (Ricky Wong / For The Times)
Eleven-year-old David Evans (holding his pet lizard, Lucy) has a type of muscular dystrophy which is very debilitating. His father, Greg Evans, left, has tried everything he can to help his son including a trip to Tijuana, Mexico recently to receive stem cells in the hope that it might improve his condition. Nothing has helped so far. (Carolyn Cole / LAT)
Dr. Huang Hongyun, standing right, is pictured with colleagues at The Neurological Disorder Center in Beijing West Hill Hospital, China. Neural patients having Amyostrophic Lacteral Sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury come from all over the world to seek Dr. Huang for his surgical process, an injection of olfactory ensheathing glia cells prepared from aborted fetuses. (Ricky Wong / For The Times)
Dennis Whelan, 62, ALS patient, receives physical therapy at his room in The Neurological Disorder Center in Beijing West Hill Hospital, China. (Ricky Wong / For The Times)
Valerie Hill, the widow of Tom Hill, an Atlanta real estate developer, reflects on her husband’s life at their home in Atlanta. (Erik S. Lesser / For The Times)