
Letters: Burying evil people

Re “What the dead deserve,” Editorial, May 8

The controversy over burying Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body is about what he and his brother allegedly did: shaking an open society’s basic beliefs in decency and lending a helping hand to immigrants seeking asylum. They took the financial and educational benefits while they allegedly plotted to destroy the very people who held the door open for them. They betrayed our trust and that of every refugee seeking help.

As for burying Tsarnaev — which happened on Thursday after cemeteries in Cambridge, Mass., refused to take his body — his family should have paid to ship and entomb him back home; that, or he should have been buried at sea.


Edward T. Buckle


There are evil people in the world. If The Times’ editorial board doesn’t get that, it needs to step outside into the real world.

Ignoring for the moment Hitler, Stalin and other murderous dictators but looking at Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez and John Wayne Gacy, these people scarred the lives of hundreds of family members — and thousands in society — who were involved. Tsarnaev’s name deserves to be added to the list.

And you speak of common decency? We should show some common respect — for ourselves.

In a world of moral relativism, we must be judgmental. In the presence of evil, your editorial compassion is totally misplaced.


Harvey Lutske

Los Angeles


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