
Letters: Nature, up close and in the city

Re “A lesson in old-style tweeting,” Opinion, Aug. 1

I enjoyed Allen Levy’s Op-Ed article about the mourning doves nesting on his Culver City condo balcony.

I live in the Rancho Park area, also in a condo with a balcony. This spring, mourning doves made a nest on some plastic planters I was not using. Two babies hatched, were fed and grew and flew away. The parents came back and used the nest a second time.


During the time of the nesting, hatching and feeding, I often opened my sliding-glass door to look closely at the birds, which stayed despite the noise of my door and screen. Then, a week or so ago, one of the doves came back with a young one to walk over the balcony floor, then flew away.

It has been nice to have life regenerating itself in such close proximity.

Ellin Palmer

Los Angeles


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