
Give Coulter a time-out

Re “Coulter’s remarks aid Edwards’ war chest,” June 28

I don’t care if Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is using conservative author Ann Coulter to raise money. He’s a politician and that’s what they do. She’s using him to gain publicity so she can sell her books and continue her shelf life by making outrageous statements. That’s what she does. And talk-show host Chris Matthews and “Good Morning America” make some hay by giving Coulter all this air time when she clearly has nothing to offer except higher ratings. The whole enterprise is about capitalism and opportunism and it smells to high heaven.

What is getting lost in all this hysteria and name-calling is what Coulter actually said. She hoped that Edwards would be killed in a terrorist attack. And no one seems to be discussing this except for Elizabeth Edwards. Like a child in a sandbox, Coulter points to Bill Maher, crying, “He did it first.” However, as any parent would tell her, just because someone else did it doesn’t give her permission to do it too. In truth, someone needs to put Coulter in a time-out corner until she grows up. But that won’t happen as long as there is money to be made.


Studio City
