
War’s real victims; state senators and taxpayer money; the Keystone XL pipeline

The price of war

Re “Remembering California’s war dead,” Nov. 6

You cite figures indicating that there have been 6,204 U.S. military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As a veteran of World War II, I can still remember the wounds and suffering of that long-ago time. Veterans Day will soon be upon us, and it should bring home the fact that every war really represents a failure of humans to conduct their affairs in a sensible and civilized way. Dead soldiers are victims even more than they are heroes.

Let us stop celebrating war remembrances in terms of heroics and patriotism and instead recognize that every war marks the very lowest level to which humanity sinks. We should honor the fallen, but more so we must be peacemakers who thwart the creation of future generations of wasted young men and women.


Jack Rothman

Los Angeles

A bumpy road to education reform

Re “Shaking up the status quo,” Column, Nov. 6

After a 37-year career in education, I understand the need for reform in teacher evaluations. And I agree with Steve Lopez and his “I want” list.

But it seems that whenever teacher evaluation reform includes student testing, there is never any call for student accountability. Districts do not hold students taking these tests accountable.


If reform groups want to base 25% of a teacher’s evaluation on student test scores, I suggest that students should have 25% of their grades based on these tests. It just may encourage the students to have greater motivation to succeed, as well as provide more genuine results.

Tim Travers

Lake Forest

If you want changes made at the Los Angeles Unified School District, you need to understand the way things are now and why they are that way, and then take some responsibility yourselves.

You won’t demand that businesses be exempt from Proposition 13 protections, so California can have a decent tax base. You refuse to learn why unions exist and why they are frequently over a barrel when it comes to implementing reforms. You won’t even demand investigations into L.A. Unified’s most high-profile wasteful expenditures. And God forbid that every parent takes some responsibility for their child.


Keep blaming the teachers and hitting your heads against a brick wall. Now that’ll get you change.

David Fritz


Feeding at the public trough

Re “State Senate dines at taxpayer expense,” Nov. 6

Why am I not surprised to hear that we pay for state senators’ meals while they work diligently to accomplish nothing?

The San Diego Unified School District is looking at closing a number of schools, and our hard-earned tax dollars are going to fill the bellies of useless politicians. Why don’t these politicians bring their lunch from home, just as so many

of us do?

I don’t understand why they are afforded higher salaries and free meals when they aren’t doing the job we elected them to do.

Rhonda Geske

San Diego

Snacking away tax dollars while withholding money from already struggling nonprofits, the disabled, small businesses and public schools? I’m outraged.


Pack a lunch when you know you’re going to be on the floor all day, senators. And while you’re at it, why not spring for lunch for your staffers? Peanut butter sandwiches all around? At almost $100,000 a year in salary, I think you can afford it.

Robin Becker

South Pasadena

Keystone XL, pros and cons

Re “Pipeline decision may be delayed,” Nov. 7

The Keystone XL pipeline would carry oil from Canada to refineries in the U.S. Your story says that the president may put off a decision on it until after the election in 2012 to “avoid antagonizing either the unions that support the pipeline or the environmental activists who oppose it.”

Does anybody care how the rest of us feel?

Bill Graves

Rancho Palos Verdes

Considering that the U.S. Department of Energy reported that the global output of carbon dioxide jumped last year by the biggest amount on record, much of that from the United States, the Obama administration should deny the permit for the Keystone XL project.

Victoria Shere

Los Angeles

They don’t care

Re “Corporations need a social conscience,” Column, Nov. 6

The whole notion of corporate ethics is naive, and it’s unreasonable to expect a corporation to act in the public interest or according to any code of ethics.


Our biggest firms are beholden to stockholders, not the American people, which is why we’ve had a “jobless recovery.” Slashing payroll may do wonders for a firm’s stock price, but it does nothing to help the average American.

Our largest banks have proved themselves incapable of acting even to ensure their own survival. This is why regulation is necessary, for if left to their own devices, corporations will run our economy into the ground while doing nothing for the nation.

John Wolfenden

Sherman Oaks

Write it down

Re “The many excuses for anonymity,” Nov. 4

As a freelance journalist and former newspaper reporter, I found part of Michael Kinsley’s Op-Ed piece indicative of some muddled thinking.

In reference to his observation on reporters accepting anonymous information, he states: “Sometimes it’s a bluff on the part of the reporter. An anonymous source sounds more impressive than Joe Blow, assistant secretary of Transportation.” Not true. Every reporter (and editor) knows that quoting a source by name and position strengthens a story.

At a time when Sarah Palin’s diatribes about the “lamestream media” have captured a following, fully identified sources are more important than ever for media credibility.


Kinsley, of course, is right in saying that reporters must sometimes accept anonymous information or lose the source. But in my experience, it is never a preferred choice.

Mike Stein


No excuses

Re “Didn’t anyone edit this?,” Postscript, Nov. 5

I have always enjoyed the fact that The Times contains well-written articles. But I have noticed that the quality of the writing has slipped in recent years.

Editing mistakes may be inevitable, and your acknowledgment of that probability is commendable, but perhaps it’s the lack of an apology and a re-commitment to top-quality writing that distresses me about this article. I am educated enough to feel that the professional writers of a major newspaper should show me the goods and inspire me to work on my craft.

Please, try to wow me, and to inspire me to use my head.

Steve Lennard


Incognito in jail

Re “Volatile mix on a floor of men’s lockup,” Nov. 6

Clashes between dangerous inmates and deputies on the 3000 floor of Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail, where the most hardened inmates are incarcerated, highlight the worst abuse incidents at the country’s largest jail system. While the FBI, Sheriff Lee Baca and commissions study inmate abuse and deputy misconduct, consideration might be given to the following:


Rookies should serve a predetermined time as inmates before starting an assignment at the jail. Their identities would not yet be known and, thus, they would be treated no different than other inmates. The outcome might very well be fewer incidents of inmate abuse and deputy misconduct.

Dan Anzel

Los Angeles
