
Letters to the Editor: The American flag belongs to liberals too. Don’t cede it to the MAGA crowd

Parade-goers at the Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade along Main Street.
(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Columnist Jean Guerrero asks how former President Trump had come to live inside the symbol of the American flag.

I too have had that feeling when taking my neighborhood walk. The houses that had the flag flying often were accompanied by Trump signs. I gave up flying the flag because I didn’t want people to think I supported white nationalism and everything else it had come to represent.

But it made me mad that this symbol had been taken from me.

The American flag represents the oldest democracy in the world. It has not been easy to make this democracy succeed, but up until now we have prevailed. Hopefully we will overcome the bleak setback of Trumpism and get on with the task of making democracy work.


On July 4, I put my flag back up. I will not cede its symbolism to the MAGA crowd.

Susan Clayton, Goleta


To the editor: Guerrero is correct — our flag is going to be reclaimed, and so is our country. The red wave is coming, and it’s coming hard.

Rasmussen Reports recently put out poll numbers showing that more likely voters support the dismantling of Roe vs. Wade than not. Most Americans don’t support abortions up to the last minute of birth. The unborn have rights too.

Most Americans support keeping abortion legal, but typically only up until 15-20 weeks of pregnancy. Now, it’s up to each state to decide. That’s real democracy in action.


Jeffrey Whitfield, Santa Ana


To the editor: I just read Guerrero’s column, nodding my head.

I’m clearly older than she is; my dislike of flag-waving patriotism goes back to the Vietnam War, when pro-war people had American flag stickers on their car. Then, also, the flag was weaponized.

This week a realtor stuck flags on everyone’s yard; I removed the one on mine. Being a patriot for me means criticizing and protesting when my country goes astray, not waving a flag. And it has certainly gone far astray.

Deborah Evans, Mission Viejo


To the editor: Last Friday, I purchased a new American flag and hung it the following day right next to a poster telling visitors that in our house we do not tolerate racism, homophobia, misogyny or religious intolerance.


“Patriotism” must be defined as adherence to American ideals. We should not be reluctant to fly our flag — that would enable the fascists to claim it as a symbol of their hate, fear and greed.

Peter Kunstler, West Hills
