
Letters to the Editor: What happened to originalism on the Supreme Court?

U.S. flag waves in front of U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court in Washington on June 30.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)

To the editor: So, what happened to the Supreme Court’s “originalist” jurists who attempt to fathom the minds of the Founders to determine their original intent? Could they possibly believe that our Founding Fathers intended to create a presidency whose occupant is not accountable to the laws that govern the people over which she or he presides? Had our founders not just freed themselves of the bonds of a monarch who ruled without such accountability?

If the so-called “originalists” don’t hear the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves, either they are deaf or they never believed in their theory in the first place. The United States of America: Democracy or Hypo-cracy? I think we know the answer.

Laurie Jacobs, San Clemente


To the editor: Perhaps one answer to last week’s immunity ruling by the Supremes, and to Trump’s ongoing rallies, might be to heap ridicule on him and his campaign. Just take the Project 2025 plan and paste it on him, along with a paper crown and wooden scepter. Publicize it broadly. Perhaps enough voters will wake up to what a horror it all is.


Paul Cooley, Culver City
