
Letters to the Editor: ‘They’ can be confusing. We need a new gender-nonbinary pronoun

A person holds Progress Pride Flags in West Hollywood on April 9.
(Allison Dinner / AFP via Getty Images)

To the editor: For those of us who, like op-ed article writer Darren Rosenblum’s mother, wonder how many are “they” and are jangled by the discordant “they is,” how about a new word to make it clear? (“Take it from a nonbinary professor: Don’t make students state their pronouns on Day One,” Opinion, Sept. 4)

I suggest “shay,” a word that combines “she,” “he” and “they,” for a nonbinary individual person.

Usage: “Shay is coming to lunch. Set one extra plate.”

So simple. No need for confusion or embarrassment. Let’s hear it for shay!

Herb Schiff, Culver City


To the editor: Please, just call me by my name — there is no reason to use a pronoun. A person is a person and deserves the respect of being addressed by name.


Marcia Barnett, Santa Barbara
