
Readers React: Real education reform isn’t about tests

I agree that the Obama administration hasn’t done a particularly good job of setting education policy, but please don’t blame lawmakers for leaving No Child Left Behind on the books. With no valid education policy coming from the White House, where would they find the leadership needed to develop an education policy based on research and knowledge of what actually constitutes teaching and learning? (“Congress’ assignment: school reform. Why not start with No Child Left Behind?,” Editorial, May 26)

The role of a national education policy should be support for the states and teachers. Students need training for careers, for utilizing technology (not taking standardized tests on computers), for living a healthy lifestyle and to learn reading, writing and math.

We must eliminate all standardized testing that clearly discriminates against low-income minorities and spend those billions on building competency-based education programs staffed with well-prepared teachers and support workers. Just give the states the money and let them make the education policy decisions.


Teachers, not politicians, know what students need.

Ruby L. Trow


Any discussion of the Common Core testing should include the site where readers can view practice test questions by grade level:

Even though I am a college graduate, I found some of the fourth-grade practice test instructions confusing, and I am not sure most fourth-grade students would be able to successfully complete the reading and math sections.

California made a responsible decision to field test the Common Core tests. I urge our elected representatives and parents to take the practice test so that a meaningful discussion of test scores and test procedures can take place.


Eleanor York

Santa Barbara
