
Readers React: Celebrate the holidays by welcoming Mideast refugees

To the editor: During this season of Thanksgiving, the difference between our lives and those fleeing violence around the world is thrown into sharp contrast. While we eat plenty of turkey and pie, Syrian families are doing the best they can to keep themselves safe. (“Canada plans to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February,” Nov. 24)

I hope that the leaders of our nation and my state will take the opportunity this Thanksgiving holiday to learn more about the struggles refugee families are facing.

We cannot close our doors to them during this time of overwhelming need. Despite what Donald Trump says about the United States taking in 250,000 Syrian refugees, the number is 10,000. France is taking in 30,000.


Refugees have always gone through the most rigorous screening and security vetting of any traveler to the United States, a comprehensive process that can take as many as two years, including extensive interviewing, biometric screening, fingerprinting and various agencies’ database scrutiny, checking names and backgrounds.

Our nation is so great when we stand by our humanitarian ideals, and no one wants to repeat the past mistakes of interning Japanese Americans or severely limiting the entry of Jews escaping Nazi Germany. I hope this holiday season sees America’s shores welcoming those seeking protection from persecution.

Janis Peterson-Lord, Huntington Beach

The writer is an immigration attorney.


To the editor: Yes, we should show compassion for the Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugee mothers with children, and the elderly.


But have you noticed on the TV news how many of the refugees are military-age men? These men look to be between the ages of 18 and 40. Why don’t they stand and fight to take back their own country from Islamic State rather than flee to Europe or the U.S.?

We stood and fought during our Revolutionary War. Why don’t the Syrian men coming to Europe and the U.S. do likewise? What are their motives for fleeing?

Trent Sanders, La Cañada Flintridge


To the editor: Please give President Obama a message:

We have already opened our arms and pocketbooks to 11 million or 12 million illegal immigrants (whatever the real number is). Maybe had he managed the illegal immigration crisis in this country better, the American people might be more willing to welcome more legal immigrants and refugees.


The taxpayers can only afford to take care of so many people before our system is totally broken.

Vickie Casas, Los Angeles


To the editor: The year is 1607. The first English boat is coming ashore. Chief Trump whispers into Chief Powhatan’s ear. Powhatan then shouts:

“You must go. Your religion is different, so we can’t trust you. That Capt. John Smith character has a gun. He may be some kind of terrorist. I’m not crazy about that John Rolfe guy either. I’m afraid for my daughter, Pocahontas.

“Leave. You have diseases. You are homeless. You have no jobs. We’ll just have to take care of you and teach you how to farm anyway.

“Hey everyone, since we are taking out our animosity on the refugees, let’s have a feast and call it ‘Thankstaking.’”

Ray Stefani, Lake Forest

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