
Letters to the Editor: Here’s a better name than ‘Chinese virus’: Trump virus

Coronavirus task force
President Trump speaks during a news briefing with the coronavirus task force at the White House on March 19.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: President Trump is now calling the pandemic a “Chinese virus.” He continues his habit of insulting others and shifting blame away from himself.

Let’s put the blame where it belongs and start calling this the “Trump Virus.”

After all, it was Trump who disbanded the White House office responsible for pandemic response in 2017. When the “Trump virus” broke out, he initially ridiculed it and called the concern over a possible pandemic a hoax. Well into this year he refused to do anything.

The do-nothing president may be more responsible than anyone for the pandemic that is now crippling the country.


Roger Johnson, San Clemente


To the editor: Why would Trump refer to the coronavirus as a “Chinese virus”?

For one, it’s true. The virus came from China, where the government initially lied and kept critical information secret. This led to spread of the virus to countries around the world.

How many lives do you think were lost because of this?

Second, China has actually undertaken a campaign to blame the emergence and spread of the virus on the United States. As we have seen many times, Trump will fight back when he thinks the country is accused of something it did not do.

Many Americans appreciate this and it should be applauded, not ridiculed.

Jeff Butler, Coto de Caza


To the editor: Although it may not be the intent, the name “Chinese virus” clearly has racial connotations.


Considering the fact that the virus had spread due to the lack of transparency of the communist system, I propose that Trump call it the “communist virus” instead.

Kee Kim, La Habra


To the editor: Trump’s refusal to stop calling the coronavirus a “Chinese virus” is just another reason he needs to go.

The final paragraph of your editorial sums it up. His “America first” policy doesn’t work in a world where we need to cooperate to solve problems.


Every day since he was elected, I have woken up with a headache and fever. I hope the president’s supporters socially distance themselves from the “Trump virus” that afflicts us all.

Tony Wood, Claremont
