
Letters to the Editor: Can’t afford bacon? You get no sympathy from pig lovers

The price of bacon, accounting for inflation, is the highest it's been in about 40 years.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: It is surprising to me that LZ Granderson, a man who passionately and persuasively writes about the rights of African Americans and LGBTQ people, would pen a column celebrating the “pleasure” of eating the flesh of a sentient and affectionate animal slaughtered for his consumption. (“Why bacon is off the menu,” Opinion, Oct. 6)

Come on, Mr. Granderson, get on the moral arc of history and stop eating meat. It’s certainly the most important thing you could do to make the world a kinder, safer, more sustainable, more just place.

Peter Marston, Glendale


To the editor: I hope Granderson is speaking at least partly tongue-in-cheek. In case he isn’t, I suggest he raise a piglet.


Baby pigs are very cute, playful and as affectionate and intelligent as dogs; they even wag their tails when happy. Of course they don’t stay little and cute, but I think Granderson would enjoy the company a great deal.

And when it comes time to “process” his animal companion, he might decide that the cost of bacon is even higher than he thought.

Gracia Fay Ellwood, Diamond Bar


To the editor: For goodness’ sake. Granderson devoted nearly an entire column to the despair he would endure if, soon, he may not have that slab of bacon to scarf down.


It is a sad commentary on our times when otherwise caring individuals ignore the suffering of animals — in this case, sensitive, intelligent pigs.

Melinda Levinson, Los Angeles
