
Three crew members return from International Space Station

After nearly six months on the International Space Station, three crew members are heading home.

Reid Wiseman of the United States, Alexander Gerst of Germany and Maxim Suraev of Russia floated themselves into a Soyuz capsule Sunday for their 3 1/2-hour journey back to Earth. At 7:58 p.m. Pacific time, on schedule, they landed in Kazakhstan.

A week ago, the space station marked the 14th anniversary of the arrival of its first crew. The station has been manned continuously since Nov. 2, 2000.

With the departure of Wiseman, Gerst and Suraev, three crew members remain aboard the space station. Three additional people are due to head to the station Nov. 23.

Like the others on board, Wiseman used Twitter to give people on Earth a window into his experiences. Scattered among dazzling views of the planet from above are occasional snippets about life in orbit. Here are some of his workaday gems.

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