
Criss Angel Believe

Illusionist Criss Angel has some new tricks up his sleeve at the Luxor. The “Mindfreak” star appears on stage five nights a week in a retooled show that is sometimes shocking, sometimes stomach churning and always utterly confounding.

The magician wrests free from a straitjacket while hanging upside down above the audience. Poof! He disappears from one spot on the stage and reappears on another. And don’t try this at home: Angel stuffs his mouth full of double-edged razor blades that he’s just used to slice pieces of paper.

Then there’s the trick he calls “In Two.” A hot babe is sliced in half with a mega circular saw, spurting gallons of red stuff everywhere.


How does he do it? We don’t know and you won’t either after seeing the show. The fun is trying to figure it out.

“Criss Angel Believe” recently celebrated two years at the Luxor. The show is a collaboration between Angel and Cirque du Soleil.

Angel has won a number of awards, among them numerous Magician of the Year honors from the Academy of Magical Arts.


Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday, 7 p.m.
Dark Sundays and Mondays

Anne Burke, Custom Publishing Writer

Luxor Las Vegas
3900 Las Vegas Blvd. South
$59 to $160
