
Public workshop to discuss canyon development

A public workshop, led in part by urban planning firm MIG, will be held during the Laguna Beach Planning Commission’s meeting April 20 to discuss zoning standards in Laguna Canyon.

In 2014, the City Council tasked MIG with studying development in the canyon, where there is a mix of small businesses and houses. Council members have complained about a “hodgepodge” of zoning there and want to explore whether changes should be made.

With the public’s input, the city wants MIG to specify certain terms such as “rural” and “small scale.”


Varying interpretations of rural and small scale arose as the council and Planning Commission vetted several projects, including a 30-unit artist work/live facility and a self-storage unit in the canyon.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 505 Forest Ave.
