
Mailbag: Don’t believe pro-desalination propaganda

I could not disagree more with the premise and assumptions of Robert Sulnick, executive director of Orange County Water Independence Sustainability and Efficiency (OC WISE, get it?), the self-serving front group backing Poseidon’s desalination project (“The county needs desalinated water,” Mailbag, Dec. 17).

Members of this group are largely pro-business shills for the development project being peddled by Poseidon and its allies, and its pronouncements should immediately be suspect by the communities being served by the Orange County Water District.

The credibility of OCWD and the manipulated figures in its term sheet for the project are also seriously in question. Throw in the partisan influence added to the special-interest equation and you have a wholly biased argument in support of what promises to be the biggest boondoggle for our area in recent memory.


Contrary to Sulnick’s assertions, we do not need Poseidon’s ultra-expensive desal water and a deal that would rip off water ratepayers here for decades. This is a scheme to make Poseidon money and to promote further South County development that doesn’t have the resources to support it.

Conservation and water recycling programs can handle our current and projected needs. We would be wise ourselves not to listen to OC WISE propaganda.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach
