
Joe Torre rejoins MLB after failed Dodgers bid

Joe Torre got his old job back Friday.

Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig restored Torre as executive vice president of baseball operations, the position Torre vacated Jan. 4 to join Los Angeles developer Rick Caruso in bidding for the Dodgers.

Caruso and Torre withdrew from the bidding last month, citing Frank McCourt’s refusal to sell the Dodger Stadium parking lots along with the team. The five remaining bidders all want McCourt to sell the parking lots too, but final bids have not been submitted and negotiations have not taken place.

Although Torre left MLB two months ago, Selig did not fill the position.

“I am pleased that Joe shared our enthusiasm about returning to Major League Baseball,” Selig said in a statement. “It was appropriate for him to step away while he looked into a unique opportunity, and now we are delighted to welcome him back to a position in which he thrived.”



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Joe Torre rejoins MLB after failed Dodgers bid
