
Fragments: artful recycling by George Stranger

Waste not, want not? Not quite. Constructed from artfully arranged scraps of solid walnut left over from his other woodworking projects, William Stranger’s Fragments is what some might want in their homes. Reminiscent of a 1970s patchwork frame, the 4-by-1 1/2 -foot piece, $2,400 as shown, includes a small vertical mirror, a George Nakashima-style free-edge shelf and free-floating pieces of wood to hang elsewhere on the wall. The blue detail is paint originally used by the mill to seal moisture in wood ends. “I love the contrast between the bright blue, man-made color on the rough-cut end and the polished, warm, natural walnut brown,” says Stranger of Pasadena. “It brought [De Stijl designer] Gerrit Rietveld to mind.” (626) 405-0927 or
