
Cowboys’ Dez Bryant curses out media, and is accused of illegally owning a monkey

Dez Bryant only had two catches for 15 yards Sunday after missing five weeks with a broken foot. But that doesn't mean Dallas' star receiver wasn't a topic of discussion Monday morning.

In the locker room after the Cowboys' 13-12 loss to Seattle, Bryant went on a tirade, saying members of the media falsely accused him of taunting Ricardo Lockette while the Seahawks receiver lay injured on the field.

A video was posted on social media after the injury that claimed to show Bryant pointing at the Lockette while yelling and cursing, "That's what the ... he gets!" ESPN is reporting that the Vine was started by Marcus Sullivan, who works for KRIV Fox 26 in Houston, and other reporters reposted it.

"I won't ever,ever, ever, ever wish bad on a player who's been knocked down," Bryant told reporters after the game. "Not once did I say, 'That's what you get.' I got on one knee and prayed for that man. C'mon, man, don't put clips together and do that."

When asked if the Seahawks accused him of taunting Lockette, Bryant said, "Naw, man, y'all did. Bull... media did."

Bryant said he was actually trying to defuse the situation on the field. Multiple reports have members of the Seahawks confirming this account.

"I'm too busy trying to break it up, trying to get our players back. I'm telling Richard [Sherman] and Earl [Thomas] y'all get your players back. I'm talking to the officials more than anybody."

According to ESPN, Bryant got even more worked up after the five-minute interview session was over, reportedly yelling and cursing about the media in general before two members of the team's PR department convinced him to dress in the trainers' room.

The Seahawks said Monday that Lockette has has full motion and feeling in all extremities and will undergo surgery to stabilize ligament damage in his neck.

In other Bryant news, a letter has surfaced from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals asking animal control officials in DeSoto, Texas, to "immediately investigate the possible illegal possession of an infant capuchin monkey."

The letter was sent Oct. 23, soon after Bryant posted this photo on his Instagram account, with the caption, "My new best friend.... Dallas Bryant world":

My new best friend.... Dallas Bryant world #throwupthex

A photo posted by Dez Bryant (@dezbryant) on

Possession of monkeys in DeSoto is only allowed with a special-use permit, which PETA says would not be given to a private individual. Animal control says it is investigating but has not yet located the monkey.
