
Elvis Forever stamp to make its debut at Graceland, and you’re invited

Elvis Presley by the numbers: Number of films he starred in: 33. Number of No. 1 hit singles: 18. Number of Grammy Award wins: three. Number of U.S. postal stamps: Almost two.

The second Elvis Presley stamp, known officially as the Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever stamp, will roll out during Elvis Week Aug. 8-16 at his one-time home in Memphis, Tenn.

The public is invited to Graceland‘s lawn at 8 a.m. local time on Aug. 12 when ex-wife Priscilla Presley and Postmaster General Megan Brennan dedicate the stamp. It bears a 1955 black-and-white portrait of a young Elvis, a photo taken by William Speer.


It also has a little gold crown in the lower left-hand corner, signifying his status as the king of rock ‘n’ roll. Post offices also will be selling a CD called “Elvis Forever” for $9.99.

Fans flood Graceland during Elvis Week to remember the singer who died Aug. 16, 1977.

Events include semifinal and final rounds of Elvis tribute artist competitions as well as conversations about Elvis with musicians and friends who knew him.

Mac Davis and Brenda Lee will be among the celebrities who participate.

Graceland will hold an auction Aug. 13 selling off items including a jumpsuit he wore during a performance at the Las Vegas Hilton and a diamond and gold necklace he gave to Sammy Davis Jr.


There also will be a candlelight vigil at 8:30 p.m. Aug. 16. Fans are allowed to walk up the driveway to his gravesite with a candle in hand; this procession usually lasts until morning.

For information on Elvis Week and tickets (some events have sold out), go to Graceland’s Elvis Week website.


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