
Planning your trip to Carnac, France

From LAX, Air Tahiti Nui, Air France and Delta offer nonstop service to Paris, and American, British, Swiss, United, Continental, Air Canada, KLM, Lufthansa and US Airways offering connecting service (change of planes). Restricted round-trip fares begin at $801, excluding taxes and fees. By train, it is about four hours from Paris to Auray, which is about seven miles from Carnac.

Information about visiting Carnac, Locmariaquer and other prehistoric sites in Brittany is available at the Maison des Mégalithes, 011-33-2-97-52-29-81, Guided tours about $8 a person.

Hotel Tumulus, Chemin du Tumulus, 011-33-2-97-52-08-21,, has 23 rooms, a restaurant and swimming pool underneath St. Michel tumulus. Doubles from $125 during the off-season to $230 during the high season.
