
Bennett Offers Defense for Cut in Drug Budget

United Press International

Education Secretary William Bennett today defended his decision to cut in half drug education funding, telling a House Appropriations subcommittee that “most of what works does not cost money.”

Bennett, appearing before a House subcommittee, said the recommendation to reduce from $200 million to $100 million the fiscal 1988 appropriation for drug education is in line with the entire Administration’s efforts to reduce the deficit.

“I acknowledge that this is a tough, lean budget. But it is also . . . a responsible budget in terms of what the federal Treasury can afford. . . ,” Bennett said.


The Education Department budget request includes $100 million for the Drug-Free Schools and Community program in fiscal 1988--the same amount the agency proposed last fall when the nation was caught up in the anti-drug fervor.

Congress last year eventually doubled the $100 million as part of its $1.7-billion fiscal 1987 omnibus drug-fighting bill.

“Now you, Mr. Secretary, wouldn’t get mad if we put (the $100 million) back in, now would you?” asked subcommittee Chairman William H. Natcher (D-Ky.).


“ ‘Mad’ wouldn’t be the right adjective, I don’t think,” Bennett responded. “I’d be concerned about budgetary matters.”
