
Continuing Controversy Over Federal Funds for Artists

The furor over the NEA funding of what many feel is unworthy art is becoming ridiculous. Artists and art groups object to the requirement that they sign the “equivalent of an anti-obscenity pledge” in order to get their money from the NEA, saying that this is censorship of art. Not so. They can continue to produce obscene work and peddle it to anyone who cares to buy it. Those who reject such work should not be required to fund it through an agency supported by tax money.

The NEA should be held accountable for permitting the type of “art” which caused this furor. If it continues to function it must exercise some discretion as to what our tax money is paying for. If this is censorship, so be it.

If the NEA is unable or unwilling to assume the responsibility to reject unworthy art, then the NEA should be abolished. I’m sure the nation would survive.



Mission Viejo
